Look, I walked into this expecting a unique spin on Star Wars. I knew with the title “Visions” that these studios were going to come up with entirely unique spins; their take on Star War. Fine, I was actually kind of hype about it, but there is a very fine line between being off cannon and just goofy. This was like the ABCs of Death but Star Wars: a mixed bag of good, bad and ugly.
The first episode had brilliant animation and a very unique concept. So unique, in fact, I actually wanted more. I let some goofy stuff by, for example: a katana-looking saber in a sheathe. Okay, maybe the sheath is made out of beskar. Don’t know why you’d have you lightsaber on the whole time, whatever. Cool, I really liked it. With that said, I actually was intrigued to continue watching the rest… Boy was I in for a big surprise.
Look, Star Wars may be Sci-Fi fantasy, but it also has rules to follow. It’s the same issues we had with episodes 7-9. It’s one thing to be creative, it’s another to just tell some dumb story, breaking weird rules and timelines just to get your story out there. It’s like slapping a Coke label on a Pepsi bottle. Some of these episodes just completely skipped the feel of the Star Wars fantasy. Good music though.
I didn’t hate all of them, but I could not finish a couple and I just skipped two of them entirely. By the end of the whole thing it just put me in a confused and bad mood. Again, I really really tried to be open-minded and I would say that there are at least five decent episodes, but batting 5/9? That’s basically been Disney with this license so far.