I don't know why people like this movie soo much. It's so unrealistic. And how is this a romantic movie when there is no romance in it?!
Maybe it's dated and the plot made sense at the time it was released but rn i am just confused.
-The girl, who was engaged btw, felt this instant attraction to a man she heard on radio when he was talking about his dead wife. Uh what?
-She gets a detective after him to get his photos!!! WHAAT!!?
-She boards a plane, reaches his home address, follows him and lurks while the dude is playing with his son! Followed by her staring the dude down, while he is hugging his girlfriend! Um. Was this really okay then!!?
-In the end, they are meeting for the first time (if you ignore all her stalking) and they have this instant connection, holding hands and going "let's leave." what!? Am i missing something? When did they even bond??! What even happened to that girlfriend?
That being said.. Tom Hanks looked pretty good and i loved his grounded acting. Also that "back in the saddle again" part was adorable!!