I give a three stars because it is very one sided movie. It is heartbreaking to see all that destruction and the children suffering. It really shows how unfair and horrible war is and also this conflict has been going on for centuries and nothing has change. This is a conflict that doesn’t have a solution because two territories don’t share the same ideals and beliefs. Hamas wants Israel to become an Islamic state and Israel is trying to fight against these evil group.By the way, people don’t realize that Israel is surrounded by arab countries and many share the same ideology. Hamas is one of the many subdivisión of an Islamic terrorist organization. They need to get Israel exterminated. So, How can you have a solution for this conflict if everyone around you wants to kill your citizens? People with a western mentality will never understand this issue.Hamas are the ones that should be helping their citizens, You can heard it from that boy in the movie they have asked for help to Hamas, (their goverment) and fatah and they say they will help
And nothing changes. All the money they received from the UN and humanitarian organizations instead of being use for food, medicine and education has been use for war against Israel. while Hamas leaders are living luscious lives in Qatar. Wearing brand and expensive suits. That is the root of the problem. Israel is not the enemy. Is the corruption of Hamas which is supposed to govern the Palestines people. The ones that pay for this are the inocent children and their families.