All these other reviews are by people who are hardcore moviegoers. Your average person isn’t going to care about the quality of sound mixing, or whatever else that makes this a 5-star film in other eyes.
I can completely understand that from an artistic, or maybe a cinematographic view, this is a great movie. If you’re into mid-1900s American history, you’ll love it too.
But to the average person, this movie is just not good because it’s NOT entertaining. A million names being thrown around, especially towards the end of the film. The first half all the way up to the actual detonation of the bomb is done well, but the whole film falls apart after.
Just ongoing dialogue that is too much physics and/or history for the average person to understand or enjoy. Typical Nolan characters that are so stoic that sometimes it feels like they completely lack emotion. Insane amounts of exposition that don’t lead to much useful description, nor a satisfying climax.
Once again, this is a great film if you enjoy watching lots of movies that aren’t your usual Marvel releases that plague cinema today. A fresh idea, great filmmaking, and an excellent score.
But too boring for the general public. Watch it when it’s out on streaming services, because dropping $50 on this movie is not worth it.