Why do all the bad reviews say the exact same thing?
Anywho, I loved this movie. I think some people may have struggled with the fact that you have to think. Everything isn't spelled out for you. The audience is in the dark just like the characters in the movie.
The only thing I found odd was that the people in the area, I think it was Long Island, didn't find a way to congregate. I'd like to think that everyone wouldn't just sit home wondering what's going on by themselves. Even the people at the beach seemed to just leave and not discuss a big ship crash landing on the beach with each other. Those are the parts that didn't make sense. I think humans would respond better than the movie showed.
The movie actually made me worry about something that I never even thought about. We are so reliant on technology. If communications were completely knocked out, we would be up the creek without a paddle. A lot of critical information could be in accessible or lost completely depending on the extent of the attack. Backing up technology with more technology is really no back up at all.
Again, I thought it was an excellent movie. I would like to watch it again to see if I missed something that might fill in some of the gaps.