*spoilers for ep. 2*
I don't know why more people aren't complaining about the writing. Characters make poor decisions for no clear reason. Annette and Edouard show up to save the day out of nowhere. They have no real introduction, they don't make any real plans. Everyone just decides, 'let's go attack the home base for the minions that almost just killed us with no plan with these random strangers who just showed up.'
And... it goes just as you'd expect... horribly. Edouard falls behind in the escape and no one lifts a finger to try helping him as he's in trouble. They don't seem to really care their teammate is about to die. Why should we care about Edouard when his teammates don't? Why should we care about such heartless and foolish teammates? They could have had this same outcome if the writing and storyboard were even a little better. The writers just didn't care about it making sense, or the characters being empathetic early on.
These are not forgivable writing mistakes. If characters make foolish decisions, there MUST be an understandable reason for it, or the audience will lose all trust in that character. The original Castlevania wasn't great on these fronts, but it was fine. This is a step back.