(PS4 PRO) I'm having fun with Saints Row 2022! Love it and all the things to do in the big open highly detailed world.
There's a couple complaints that I have:
1) The lighting is a little wack here and there along with sound effects lagging when driving or honking the horn.
2) There are no different camera views when walking or driving. (I've always been a far camera view kinda player)
3) The weather is always perfect.. I understand that the game takes place in the desert, but a thunderstorm and high winds every now and then would have been nice and added more realism to the world.
4) My game freezes when customizing certain vehicles (2 so far) I know one of them is the Sojourn. I think it's when I try to edit the trim paint? Then nothing works but the camera and I'm stuck until I just close out Saints Row.
5) I was upset when I found out that you couldn't personalize your gang's HQ.
6) Personal preference here, but I wish there were more cars. I could ALWAYS go for more cars.
7) Money is WAY TOO EASY to come by. I have millions and nothing to spend it on and I'm not done with the game yet.
8) When customizing vehicles, I should have to pay for everything. Paint/ rims/ tires/ bumpers etc. per individual car instead of it being free or "already owned" with another vehicle.
9) There should have been an airport. At least I haven't seen one yet anyways.
10) I was wrong but I had the understanding that we could personalize our crew/ friends. (Like how BOSS FACTORY works.)
Other than those 10 things, I've been having a blast. I still give the game 4 stars. I know this game has gotten a lot of backlash, but I have found it rather enjoyable.
Edit: So for some reason, when I call for backup, my backup will just stand there during the fight.. Like, they won't do anything. I'm a little confused why this is happening. Also, my crew members that are driving around the town, are driving REALLY weirdly. They'll drive super slow/ drive up cliffs/ run into buildings/ won't drive at all/ etc. It's just really weird to watch. Like the game is having a hard time thinking lol. I don't know how else to explain it.