star wars one was so stupid i kept on tapping the button on the tv remote to see if it was almost done the ending was trash you will not understand it the only good star wars are the mandilorian and the rise of the skywalker the rest dont waste your time on it it is lame and fake there was a cartoonish character named jar jar binks and this devil darth maul gets his body chopped apart by a kid it is pg it is so silly the movie has no plot i would not even have gave it one star if you have disney plus dont waste your time watching it and darth vader as a kid was just a little slave boy who won a freaking race and a teenager who killed darth maul had cheesy jumping scenes dont rent or buy it on amazon the begining of it they have a bunch of words and you dont know what it means it is sooooo lame they tryied to hard it was a stupiddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd film