Watching this show Joe Pickett - of which there are about 20 books or so and I have read them all. What's strange about this show is its setting just north of Jackson Hole, Wyoming where coincidently I have spent a lot of time. Now I am Native and have nothing against Blacks one way or the other but this TV show has just about as many Blacks as whites in a place where a Black man just is not part of the landscape. I am however a stickler for accuracy and this rubs me just the wrong way. In the books, Nate Romanowski is a light-haired white man who makes the story come alive. in the show they portray him as a Black Man. Wonder who thought this genius idea up and had the guts to portray a people who are not common to the area. We're not all stupid!
Even more strange in a state that has its share of Reservations, I have yet to see a Native person on the show.