I just watched the episode about the first victim of Bruce McArthur. I applaud the way the facts were laid out and how they unfolded, but I am really disappointed that in your report, the blame was placed squarely on the police. Yes, a review should be conducted to see if there are things that they can improve on to catch the next serial killer, but the fact that they actually did catch him deserves some credit and appreciation. If you are looking to place blame on why it took so long, let's first look at the legal system that allowed him to walk pretty much freely after he almost killed another man. Or, if that's not enough, how about the same system that pardoned that crime!??! Seriously!? No, I am not a police officer, nor an officer of the court - just tired news reports taking the easy out by again punching at the police for blame. Do your job and dig into the facts... WHY was he set free after that first attack... WHY was he pardoned... HOW many people claimed to know who the attacker was.. ie.. how many leads did the police get - big difference between following up on 10 leads or thousands and taking each one as if it's the answer. I could also ask, why didn't the news reporters pick up the story and stay with it?! You expect the police to have foreseen the future - why didn't you keep on the reports? W5 is a good program, I just feel that they really missed some important facts on this episode and it came across lacking in impartialness that honourable Canadian news is sworn to deliver.