Combat is entertaining but can be a little boring at time. I tried to get creative with it and intentionally switched out characters to try different moves and abilities but eventually you just end up playing as the character you most enjoy. Which is disappointing since you have like 6 people in your party. Maybe I'm just not into jrpgs but I felt like there was a lost in translation situation going on or maybe Japanese narratives are just cringy to begin with. I'm not sure. To give an example, throughout the game your party members will have conversations with you and some of them don't make sense at all or are just corny. You will end of saving one of their lives and they'll have a conversations with you saying "I didn't need you to do that." And you just go "But ahh, I'm sorry." and they will reply "Whatever. Hmm". Don't see the point, but they do the writing in that manner over and over again. Also the side missions are just fetch quests which are just lazy game design. I honestly didn't finish the game but it was entertaining for the time i did play it. It just wasn't anything new, kinda simple and boring at times. A Final Fantasy XIV wannabe copycat. They even do the campfire cooking and resting at the end of day.