I was a dedicated View fan, was being the key word! Anytime, any day, tune in and you will hear TOXIC “views” concerning former President Donald Trump. It gets so old! I have young grandchildren who visit quite often, I could not imagine letting even my adult children hear the pure venom that is spewed regardless of the guests, headlines or their personal lives. Prior to this being a problem, I looked forward to visiting with the ladies, catching up on current events, being entertained for an hour and talking about the topic of the day with friends and family. I never missed an episode except for unforeseen events. It was the gold standard of talk shows! Not any longer; what ever happened to the rule we all were instructed growing up, if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all!! Any respect and admiration has been replaced with sadness and disgust. This man will most likely be elected once again as our President which regretfully guarantees 4 more years of not being able to enjoy what once was a program full of various topics, useful information and glimpses into the ladies of the round table. Such a sad day!