How can anyone want to imagine Hiccup..our beloved Hiccup and the gang DEAD.
In the show Tom is actually trying to find his RESTING PLACE.
Pweeeese save your precious minds do not watch this your childhood will be scarred. Who wants to imagine their FAVORITE character DEAD.
Except the fact that this show is scaring, has terrible animation, characters are overwhelmingly boring, has 0 comedy, the first say 6 episodes repeats some scenes that happened in How To Train Your Dragon but totally takes the spark out of it.
The most annoying one was when they repeated the scene where Hccup fell from Toothless while trying to defeat The Red Death. It was emotional because Toothless, with his tail, his broken tail that Hiccup shot and fixed, on FIRE saved Hiccup at his own expense. And Hiccup was unconscious and lost a leg.
(And tus happened to Hiccup in the processof saving the village, the village that looked down on him)
But here Tom just falls of Thunder, into a canyon - no fire. Thunder just dives down - his tail complete and not on fire. And now they think that's a big scene and that stupid Jun starts crying. I'm not against her shedding tears but that crying noise was unnecessary especially compared to httyd. Astrid didn't even throw a tantrum and Hiccups fall was more emotional.
So save yourselves thx for reading!