idk what the other reviewers are talking about tbh. There were high points for sure but there were also low, and I mean LOW points in this anime show.
Some high points:
-The people in this show are ATLEAST semi-relatable
-Its basic and needs little to no plot learning curve
-the animation can be liked if you are into picimation
-some unexplored plot territory leaves the viewer guessing, which is nice
Some low points:
-the plot is see-through and leaves little suspense overall
-the plot picks up WAY LATE in the show
-Some important "plot twists" are easily looked over and leaves question unanswered (I get that its the point of the show that the answers are meant to be unanswered, but there were simply too many glaring questions unanswered)
-At times, the "camera work" was awkward to say the least
Overall, I think Tamako Market was a 3.5 stars out of 5, but lo and behold, I cant rate it like that on google reviews. So out of respect to the anime movie sequel called Tamako Love Story, I'm giving it a 4 star out of five.