This was a film that looked interesting but not appointment viewing for me like Black Panther or one of the Star Wars’s movies. I saw it in a mostly empty theater on a weekday morning with my wife and teenage son. Despite the emptiness, the movie made the theater feel alive. We see most of the marvel movies together. They both loved it. I was more than pleasantly surprised. While not the rousing spectacular of Black Panther or the freshness of Gauardians of the Galaxy, it vaulted high into my list of favorite Marvel movies - up in the top five or six. I have this thing about movies as I get older - am I tempted to look at my watch and how many times? Not once was I cognizant of time. The pacing was great and the characters - old and new - were interesting. Big shout out to Goose the cat who almost stole the show. The movie showcased the main character in a way that made you want to root for her and she only beat down the bad guys who deserved it. Towards the end there’s sort of an Indiana Jones type scene where someone is showing off their martial skills. Just like in that movie, Captain Marvel just blasts the guy and from an audience perspective, it just felt so good. Well done Marvel. RIP Stan Lee. We’ll miss you.