I think there is nothing funny at all about making joke's about a sitting president. It's people Like Samantha Bee and shows like this that are bringing our country down. If we aren't showing any respect for our elected officials. Why will other countries show them or our country in general respect.
If you don't like what our president is doing then get involved in politics and try and do a better job. But the office of president is more than a person. It is an institution that should be given the utmost respect by our citizen's. But you have so called television comedians like Samantha Bee & Stephen Colbert who can't come up with real comedy. So they take pot shot's at our commander an chief. Showing disrespect not only to the man. But to the office and all that it stands for.
We have a lot of freedom's that some people want to drag thru the mud and use to discrasse and hurt our country. And just because they have the right to do something doesn't mean it is right. Just like burning the US Flag....It's Legal... But it's not right. I think Samantha Bee and people like her should be shunned by society not made famous and rich while pulling our country down.