The movie is both fantastic and emotionally disturbing. There is nothing cheesy about Julia Robert's performance. All mothers that care about their children can relate to her fear, distrust, believing, anxiety, stress, terror, helplessnes, hopelessnes and deep, deep love for her child. The scene with the doctor who first prescribed Ben's oxycotin is one of three critical contributors to American's opiate crisis. One other, the government's lack of support/intervention, was very briefly mentioned by Julia in a late movie scene, but the third and most critical, the large pharmaceuticals, was not mentioned, specifically, Purdue Pharma who manufactured, mass marketed and wildly incented both sales reps and doctors to prescribe unnecessary doses of Oxycotin, a highly addictive drug, to young teenage athletes, among many others (where was the FDA)?. This is the true crime in our society's addiction. The movie sends a critically important message of the horror and infinite battle of addiction. I will keep this movie with me and be haunted by it for days to come. I only hope that enough people of influence see this movie and we see some change.