How on earth can one book explain the meaning of life? How can one book explain every problem faced by us humans at the individual level and the global level? How can one book explain religion, the difference between men and women, racism and all forms of inequality? How can these paragraphs explain our tumultuous teenage years and every single phase of our life?
I only downloaded this book because it was free and I thought, ‘Go on then if you think you’re that clever!’ But despite my skepticism I believe every word. My world has become so transparent now and I can see so much hope for our species future- for my children’s future.
Imagine having a complete biological overview of our species, a history of our time on this planet and the answer to every question you have ever asked. It is unbelievable that this book is able to capture all of this (and more!) but it’s true. As a fellow human only you can test this information for yourself- and of course you should be critical and dubious- there are some pretty bold claims!
You don’t need to give your email address, no money is involved and you can watch The Interview on YouTube first to dip your toe in the water.
This understanding is the most truthful information you will ever receive. Just give it a little of your time. Test it, critique it, assess it because it’s about you after all- it’s about all of us humans and it provides the only truthful way out of our hideous human condition. I think anyone reading this review will agree that the world is spiraling out of control and any speck of light is worth investigating further.