This show takes beloved concepts from the original trilogy and carelessly smashes them together, and yet somehow still manages to be boring. A show which has absolutely no idea what it's meant to be and leaves you disappointed and confused as to why anyone thought it was a good idea.
Not only does it upset the fans of Tolkien's work by using his writings as toilet paper, it makes the main character it changes utterly unlikeable. Yep, they crowbared the strong independent warrior woman persona into a character who let's face it, is definitely not Galadriel anymore, all for their checklist of real world ideals in a fantasy one. Yet still for all their medaling, she comes off as an arrogant, pig headed, inconsiderate brat one just wishes the made up sea monster would devour, saving us from having to see her resting female dog face again.
Unfortunately, that's just the start. I haven't even talked about the time traveling comet riding wizard. I can only presume two of the writers were arguing over which movie is better. Armageddon or Back to the Future. The competition ended in stalemate so concepts from both were implemented.
Simply awful.