Nothing I hate more than taking a story as old as time and as well known and beloved as Arthur and Excalibur, then ripping it, twising it and turning it such a farce with the excuse of "poet license". First: Arthur's name is Arthur Pendragon, son of Uther Pendragon. Saved by Merlin. 2. Morgona was the half sister of Merlin. 3. Arthur was never a thief, he was raise as a squire. That's how he learned his fighting skills. 4. The Lady of the lake was a spiritual by the time Arthur was alive. 5. ... Well....don't get me started on their cannibalizing of Merlin.
The only thing they got right was the how the Christians were so evil.
But the acting was not half bad, and the filming was good, the scrip could have done with a little better writing.