I thought this movie was hysterical & if you've watched it you'll see what I'm talking about...lol...it's intensifying as well as comical ...it wasn't a "tear jerker" as they would say, but you'll leave satisfied. I did see they were already in the making for sequel, however can't always believe everything U read. As for FAST X its a deff must see. Last must not least it's a movie to watch in the IMAX THEATER ONNLLYYYY!!! Trust me, because it'll enhance ur experience that much more due too all of the expositions (WHICH IS ALWAYS A KNOWN FACT IN FAST & FURIOUS MOVIES) it will deff enhance & intensify the movie 1000xs VS. How I watched it!! Hopefully U seethis review as well as well as other(s) reviews prior to watching this cinematic enjoyable yet addictive delight. Might even leave you wanting to watch it again!!