Summary: Flawed fan-fic level writing with cringeworthy callbacks to the mythology it's "inspired by" in attempt to garner glory it doesn't deserve.
Plot: derivative and uninspired, you'll see every twist comming... except for the ones that happen just to pad run time or add drama in favour of making sense or remaining coherent.
Cast: voice acting was fantastic! Character design is moderately novel, but motivations are all over the place and by the final episode I couldn't care if any one of the "not seven, not samurai" main cast lived, died, won or lost.
Animation: early 2000s cartoon animation and art style. It feels very low effort (like the plot) and low budget compared to any number of animations you'll be able to name on some top 10 list. It's okay, and that means it's not praiseworthy in any respect.
Sound/Music: Decent, unremarkable, in a positive way. It was there, it did what it was supposed to.
TotG walks the line of being a story by a writer with a new and interesting tale to tell, but lacking either the chops or confidence to do it with original material.So instead they just tried to clumsily graft it into a universe that does all the heavy lifting. I think personally would have enjoyed it more if it were something original. It leaves itself feeling cheap and lessens it's source material. Also why is Zach Snyder's name all over the place, it isn't a red flag for whatever he's attached to these days?
P.s sex scenes are fucking bad, just really fucking cringeworthy, thrown in because fan-service before story I guess.