This is so offensively bad, that it's hard for me to even formulate a sentence yet alone write a review. Without an understanding of Greek culture, mourning rituals, which are adhered to regardless of religious beliefs, it was astonishing to see an effing boat party within 40 days of a brother/son/husbands death. Mourning rituals require black to be worn within the first year of death and there are certain rituals performed throughout the year. This would NEVER happen. And as for Crete, they are intrinsically tribal and patriarchal, it would have been the wife dead not the brother. Tone deaf, with a Eurocentric eye and a failure to understand that Crete is a land of ritual and mystery that geographically straddles all 3 continents. Gordon J Levitt, always watchable, was laughable in his linen suit, more in keeping with a Latin American aesthetic. I could carry on, but my teeth are about to bite through my tongue.