I'm writing this review as someone who freshly finished rolling the credits about an hour ago. Veilguard in its entirety was a very polarizing experience for me. There were things that really bugged me, things that I really loved, and everything in between. It's okay that that was the experience - we contain multitudes. You can be frustrated with something while enjoying it. That is what living life is like.
Let me start off this way: don't read my words as a means to decide on anything. In fact, don't do that with any game review you might read ever. Reading reviews while I was playing this game was my biggest mistake, because from there on out, all I could do was try to grade the game based on stranger's opinions, and that stripped me of an objective narrative experience. Don't do it. Play the game if you want to play it. Be an adult and make your own opinions when you're done.
Yet since I am done and still bathing in the wake of Act 3, I am left with the following impressions, for whoever might take stock in them:
- I will be playing this game a 2nd time (and for what it's worth, mid-game I projected uninstalling it once I was done. Opinions change. People change. Accept the journey.)
- Sometimes the writing is genuinely bad. Sometimes, the writing is the way it is because Bioware put trust in their fans to be intelligent and enthusiastic enough to see the story through to its beautiful end. The amount of times I indignantly went "UHG well why was THIS like THAT??" only to have it later explained/made up for was MANY.
- Narratively speaking, you are going to see evidence of the rushed and turbulent nature of this game's development. And you can either appreciate that the developers did the best with the hand they were dealt, or you can take it personally and get mad. Idk lovelies, that's on you.
- The biggest question for myself during my experience was "Could I earnestly recommend this game to my friends?" That was the wrong question for me to ask. I shouldn't have been projecting outwardly, I should have just been playing the game free of other's opinions, and I wish that for anyone else. I wish that for you, dear reader, specifically. So when you look at my "yes" to recommending it, it's a Yes to a new story, a new experience. That's it.
That's all I got for this. That's all there is. Now go home and play your games.