I would like to put every ones attention on such serial being an psychologist this serial has created such a bad tribute or negative impact on my many clients ruining many’s lives
There was an lady who’s son came for an appointment he mentioned Anupama as the serial reason for being negative and ruining all the kids life it destroyed the career and family as well as Anupama the actor should put attention to stop acting and to the writer please write accordingly on the terms this are very fictional characters but this has to stop
I am complaining this as an consumer for entertainment fields
Requesting u to stop Anupama as the serial
Or change in writing it is to harsh for people
One of the act which was mentioned of burning money in the serial
The lady or the mother of the kid came to me
Burnt her owns son hand to consider him to teach an lesson
But this serial is all rubish and unacceptable as well unnecessarily done
My best wishes and remarks to to people still watching and making it