Well What Ca I Say! This program really works. I was a 2 pack a day smoker for about 48 to 50 years , I've lost half a lung and 2 lung surgeries.And still did not stop.Everytime I have blood work done they say im as healthy as a 30 year old and I'm 64. I did recently have a colonascopy and had 14 polyps. And also I have some very bad ulcers. This is something blood work doesn't show. I had about 2 chapters left in the book but when I talked to my doctor he said this is all cigarettes. So I went home and read the part about putting them down I think page191
And at 8 o'clock that night i smoked my last one.It has been over a month now and like the book teaches it's really easy, sure you're gonna have urges to smoke but not as bad as out to be. I highly recommend this book and thank Allen for helping me become smoke free it feels awesome not being addicted anymore