I loved the book, and loved the film. Firstly, I am not Tamil, nor Sinhalese so I can't comment on the language or the "butchering" of it. I think the question is not whether or not the Tamil language was butchered in the film but whether or not we want the WORLD to know what happened in Sri Lanka for 26 years and how LGBT individuals are treated to this day. If Shyam Selvedurai (a Tamil) was pleased with the choice of a Sinhalese young man to portray him (a young man who is "coming out") then who are we to criticize?? I think it is MORE important to let the world know what happened. You would be surprised but many in this world do not even know WHERE Sri Lanka is - at least its story of war is being told. Do you want someone to see the sweater you knit or do you want to only point out all the flaws during knitting??