To be honest I think this was quite an average film it wasn’t the best it wasn’t to worst but it didn’t beat the awesome powerful Wonder Woman in the original Wonder Woman 2017 movie compared to the original it wasn’t that good I would rate the movie something like a 5 to 6/10. In the movie there wasn’t a lot of introduction or understanding of how the characters are what they are it just skips to Max Lord then Barbara then the main character, Wonder Woman there isn’t much explanation of the characters and there isn’t much excitement coming to the movie I think if they make another movie they should think about the directing a bit more, now I am a HUGE Wonder Woman fan but to be honest this film didn’t capture my attention as much as the first one I still watched the full movie though
I think it was cool how Wonder Woman managed to be able to fly in this movie and she did get some advantages and better things added to her powers but also some disadvantages to her powers I miss her sword and shield the most and yeah that’s basically it, BYEEEE