If you want to know what a psychopath or a narcissist is, look no further than Elise. There are many of them in this world. She won't admit nor can she see any of her mistakes. She fights with everyone and can't get along with most people. The very few that she does, only do so until she has fulfilled her selfish desires through them. She stayed long only because Ramsay and the show wants drama. She is great at creating chaos and putting people down. If you're near and alone with people like her, your luck with go downhill.... look at Michelle for example, how she started messing up in a few episodes after having a rift with Elise.
This show is scripted but it's not fair to give genuine people high hopes only to rig the system. Declan should've won or at least have been in the final. He has a michelin star now after the show. Either the producers are insecure of good chefs and they can't see someone succeed because it'll become a competition with them or they just choose the weak people as winners because many of them apparently don't get the job they're promised. Disappointed in Wolfgang Puck. I wonder if he was paid to do what he did with Declan.
Season 17 also seemed rigged to me because despite the contestants finding Nick to be a strong chef that they'd all like to compete against, he didn't make it to the final....rigged again.