Absolutely awful!
A bizarre plot that not only doesn’t make sense, it continuously alludes to other plot points that have no explanation other than to explain what didn’t make sense in the first place… so badly, that it still doesn’t make sense.
The dialog has you firstly believing that it couldn’t have been written by an adult… and then not believing that Jason Statham would have signed up to this farce…
But then, it hasn’t been that long since ‘The Meg 2’
The action/fight scenes are relatively well coordinated and well paced… if not some what belligerent in their application.
You also have to suspend belief during a multitude of scenes if you want to quieten your internal monologue chanting… nobody would do that!… nobody would say that…what’s going on?… who wrote this???
It literally feels like it was made by a group of students where everyone’s favourite ‘bad guy’ stereotype was shoehorned in… Almost to reinforce that very notion, the very last scene ends like the cameraman tripped over and accidentally pressed stop on the recording… I kid you not.