If you're looking for a ghost to announce, "They're burying me tomorrow", to River while hes ironing a shirt while listening to Abba type music, this may be the show for you. That can be a dramatic technique, but honestly River seems to interact more with ghosts than the living. I watched first episode, hated it, saw all these glowing reviews and thought I'd llook at episode 2. First couple minutes of ep2 was River ironing and it had 2 ghosts. Visually it's great, has the visual quality of a movie but it made me really depressed. The darkness would be interesting, in small doses, but needs an upbeat counterpoint. Having a bloody fistfight with a ghost from the 19th century???? Don't understand why it features a policeman, this is no mystery or police drama show, almost the opposite. In fairness, do admire production, obviously they're not trying to just cash in..... It's almost like River is a ghost too... It's kind of like if Ingmar Bergmann made a TV show.....