As a person who experience this game through playing it, i found that it simply masterpiece. I felt like this game doesn't support violence at all even the game play and story is really violence. It's all about human being and you need to go through this by yourself, while you smash the button and read all details and notes from game i think it's totally a whole different level of experience. The game show human being side of best and worst who you can become and you need to understand that you live experiences through character and not yourself or your standard.
I can write it so long but afraid for spoilers, anyway i believe each games / story will impact and give something a bit of glimpse for everyone, either like it or not, can not deny that this game gave something back for all of us to reflect about ourselves. And it's ok to hate it. And nobody got to change their opinion about that just don't harass or being toxic with others people thoughts, that's all.