Good picture, good acting, but the storyline needed work, a LOT of work. I couldn’t understand why so many new characters were being introduced mid-the ending of the film with no tie or relevance to the greater plot, just a random character ordering hits. I was just very confused while watching it. Like who’s this now? Why do these two guys look alike? This one’s having an affair with that one and the other one with this one. It was just way too mixy with poor character/plot development and insight to motives (the homi/suicide, etc.) It just felt like the unskillful intersection of multiple storylines stuffed in a 1.5 hr film. Maybe it needed to be a series, but only if the development/writing improved bc this film stressed me out with ALL the nuisances and loose ends. The ending was upsetting, and not in an artsy, conversational or analytical way, but in an “I’m tired of editing this script, let’s just kill everybody even if it doesn’t make sense and the concept is undeveloped” kind of way. And what was up with the botched voice over effect? Is the film recorded in a different language bc it’s like they muted the actors’ real voices and had someone read over the lines, w/o syncing timing/lip movements or even the whole phrases in some instances; that was quite ghetto to be honest. Underwhelming, but overwhelming at the same time.