"Ullozhukku," directed by Christo Tomy, is a compelling Malayalam film that showcases powerful performances from Urvashi and Parvathy Thiruvothu. The movie tells the story of Anju (Parvathy), a young woman thrust into an unexpected marriage and caregiving role, and her complex relationship with her mother-in-law, Leelamma (Urvashi).
The film is noted for its minimalist storytelling and strong visual style. The cinematography by Shehnad Jalal is particularly praised for capturing the oppressive, rain-soaked environment that mirrors the characters' emotional states. The narrative unfolds mostly within the confines of an old house, creating a claustrophobic atmosphere that heightens the drama.
Urvashi and Parvathy deliver standout performances, with Urvashi's portrayal of Leelamma being especially lauded for its depth and nuance. The film explores themes of love, trust, and the burdens of caregiving, often through subtle, emotionally charged moments rather than overt dramatics.
While the film's slow pace and focus on character interactions might feel monotonous to some, it effectively builds a sense of realism and emotional complexity. The story's undercurrents of manipulation and unspoken desires add layers to the characters, making "Ullozhukku" a thought-provoking watch