Ghosts of war starts off as a brilliant concept where two very over saturated genres (war films and haunted house) combine to create an engaging and refreshing watching experience with a near perfect blend of war film action meets horror film suspense. The issue arises in the twist of the film which is a more of a plot derailment atop the shoulders of a slap in the face wearing a trench coat. The plot goes from a concise message that war corrupts all that no one wins only survives and adequately paints the allied forces in a light not too dissimilar from their foe to a poorly written matrix therapy group session in the space of 3 minutes with the dream trope we all remember writing as a child only to be scolded by our teacher for our lack of creativity
In short brilliant concept executed in a refreshing way until the writers resorted to plot twist mechanics that wouldn't be out of place on a students short story paper with only 5 minutes to figure out an ending