It’s actually pretty good, I went in with extremely low expectations but was pleasantly surprised. I’ve read the books, watched the movies, and played the video games so I’m a long time fan of anything Tolkien related. Amazon did better than expected, they’re not doing a game of thrones wannabe which is nice and the visuals are stunning. There’s a lot of haters for this show and heck before I watched it I was one too but in truth most of the haters are gonna be the die hard book readers or the die hard movie fans. The book readers need to understand that no one will ever be able to adapt a book directly to TV, it never works and the movie lovers should just be happy to get more Lotr content. I’m just glad there wasn’t 10 sex scenes in the first few episodes. If you think that’s a dig at GoT you’d be right. Don’t get me wrong I like game of thrones but it does its own thing and lord of the rings does its and it should stay that way. All in all it’s good so far, I’m excited for more.