Had absolutely no interest in watching this mumble film. Not because I dont like Greta Gerwig, which I dont, but because all the people that told me how far it was, which was way less then those whobsaid it wasn't, were hove minded people. This is a propaganda film which should embarrass Mattel. The men in the film are never portrayed as anything but stupid, rude, weak or misogynistic. The Barbies are also stupid. They couldn't even make doctor/president/career barbie even remotely intelligent.
My 2.5 yr old daughter is the reason this is on at my house, nothing more. My wife had no interest, even my mother who still has the original first couple barbies to ever be released, had no interest.
This makes more sense when you realize it made from the woman that was trying to make the new Snow White movie which was pushed back by the masses.
Also, worst soundtrack of any movie