Even being able to understand this as a metaphor for biblical stories DOESN'T help from making it "ONE OF THE WORST WASTE'S OF FILM I'VE EVER WITNESSED"!!!! NO STAR'S* for this piece of garbage!! IT IT WERE LEGALY FEASIBLE, I'd seek out and sue for lost time on this "mindlessly wandering excuse for a STORY"! (????) I'll use a somewhat current reference in the movie "Under the Skin", AS TO HOW BAD IT IS"! (not as a plot reference, BUT JUST PLAIN BAD MOVIE). Add to that, the acting (WHAT A JOKE), AND production values (YES, I KNOW IT WAS SHOT ON A SHOESTRING BUDGET!) IT'S JUST PLAIN BAD!! MAYBE trying to capitalize "at the time", on something like "Jesus Christ Superstar"???? It's most probably a "super embarrassment for the one's whom were conned into spouting this GIBBERISH"! WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK"!!!! * (had to add ONE star to get my review posted) :(