The people who write departure are really bad at their jobs. How would a passenger plane that crashed into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean still be intact, resting peacefully on the ocean floor, and why would a damn airline pilot need a damn flight simulator to practice crashing a damn plane lmao...
It would be a seriously good show if the writers weren't so bad at being creative and thinking about how things like scenes from the bottom of the ocean showing the plane intact, should really be shown scattered wreckage lmao ..
Whoever the person is probably doesn't matter, because it probably won't be airing much longer. Mostly because of how bad of writing and obviously anti-Semitic peacock is. Tho only other good show peacock has, The Lost Symbol is a perfect example, lmao
I think it's sad that a regular person like myself noticed these mistakes without being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, before some who makes hundreds of thousands of dollars a year noticed it lol... Seriously, lol... Pay me half of that lol