This game had so much potential, but it seems rushed. It’s laggy, controls are wonky, and too much dialogue and not enough playability in the first hour of gameplay. Cut scene after cut scene makes me want to not keep going. The open world aspect is neat, but if you’re going to make an open world game don’t make it to where you HAVE to go in a certain order on gyms etc. The gyms can technically be done in any order but after making my way to the first interesting town, I couldn’t battle the gym due to level differences, get to the next gym I wanted to test out, pokemon levels are now far too low and not fun to battle. Just an underwhelming game. And people saying don’t compare this to titles like BOTW or other similar games cleary don’t know what they’re talking about because Zelda had plenty of non open world games before BOTW and they made an absolute banger with BOTW on their first Open world attempt. Pokemon is the biggest game franchise in the world and they really missed on this one.