Firstly I will stress that I have not bought or played this game, some will likely think that because of this I should not be writing a review but my issues are not necessarily with the game itself.
I was excited to get this game but stopped myself for the following reasons. (In no particular order)
1. Micro transactions - I am not a fan of micro transactions but in live service games I can understand why they are present and providing they don’t give an advantage over other players I can live with it. In DD2 the micro transactions aren’t a major problem and as it’s a single player game they won’t actually impact you in any way shape or form… however this is a single player game and micro transactions have no place in a single player game that you have paid a full price for - it is a practice that needs to end.
2. Requires you to be online - this is a single player game and the fact you have to be online to play it is absurd. If someone fails to realise why this is a bad thing please just look up digital media vs physical media. This is simply a way for game companies to have more control over what you have purchased.
3. Anti-cheat - in against cheating in any game but if it’s single player this should not be a problem, if you want to cheat then cheat I really don’t care. As with point 2. Though the anti cheat exists as another form of DRM.
4. Performance - this will change over time as patches are pushed out but it’s not great. Don’t use this reason as an excuse not to buy but probably more of a reason to delay your purchase or take advantage of steams refund policy to test it out yourself if on pc. (Sorry if you’re on console)
So for me it’s a matter of principle. I do not like the direction gaming is heading in, it’s steadily getting worse over time and the only way to influence change is to stop handing money over to companies that implement systems that are anti consumer.
That being said I can’t give the game a 1-star review as I haven’t played it and to do so would be wrong. You’ll see n the reviews the 1-star and 5-star teams. The 5-star reviewers seem to overlook clear issues in the game and refuse to even see problems (some say the graphics are the best they’ve ever seen and perhaps that is true for them… they may not of played many games or perhaps have a visual impairment) and the 1-star reviewers seem eager to trash every aspect they possibly can and some may even be like me and have never played the game but will act like they have.
I’m giving this game a 3-star review because I have to leave something in order to post. The game may be amazing but the systems and practices the company has chosen to implement DO need to be made clear and it is something we should not be excited for, I am certainly not.