This movie is 99.9% of the time INNACURATE to the source material and mythology. 1: Percy didn't know of his parentage until pretty late in the story. 2: Where is clarrise! She appears nowhere in this movie and in the river fight scene percy fights clarrise not annabeth! 3: The characters Aren't accurate! Grover is a scaredy cat in the books, Annabeth is a badass in the books and percy is confused because this happens happens so fast and he's 12 in the books, oh Yeah in the movie they're 17 not 12 so the romantic tension doesn't make sense plus in the books Annabeth dislikes Percy and just wants to go see the outside World! 4: There is no quest! The quest is the most intersting Part but here the Oracle doesn't exist and there isn't a quest they just decide to get Percy's mom because they believe it's the RiGhT tHiNg To Do! 5:over sexualisation of characters and too many adult stuff like that! This is a pg movie not MA but still annabeth's and persephone (who's not in the lightning thief!) get over Sexualised for some reasons and a scene in the lotus hotel where Grover is sitting with a buch of women asking "who did I propose to?" Is mildly innapropriate but Grover's interactions with persephone are very innapropriate at best with him getting his Horns right after he got teleported away from the underworld is in my opinion very suggestive because satyr's horns are a sign of MATURATY which suggests that something HAPPENED while Grover Was in the underworld, you get my point. 6: why is Hades literally just the devil from the bible? Like honestly they had to make the cold dark underworld from greek mythology into hell from Dantes Inferno and had to make Hades evil even though in mythology he's not even close to that but I mean stereotype's am I right!? 7: Grover's character is obviously racist! Like Grover is in the movie a woman chasing, comic relief, half-goat which you should see the problem with him being half-goat and Black. I don't hate black actors getting cast as White characters (like most of Twitter!) But if it's to make a stereotype than it's Bad, really bad!
So moral of the Story don't watch this movie! It's so terrible that I left out some stuff because it would've taken a million Years to write!