Very good, complete and simple to understand. An exhaustive book on Bach Flower Remedies. Best guide for beginners for studying this course.Every remedy starts with introduction about the Flower by Dr.Edward Bach in his own words, followed by the exhaustive coverage, key symptoms, behavior pattern in blocked state, positive potential, concluded with Empowering Statements. For each remedy, concerned flower photo has been provided, with the name of character of the flower, like,The Tolerance Flower for Beech From Know it all to Better understanding. The plant Botanical name and brief description has been provided separately. Also, the Author has explained well with diagrams, how the Flower Remedy works in a negative person. It is having a Table for use when choosing Between Two Flowers.The book is having questionnaire and final choice checklist: tools to assist the beginners. Lots of flower combinations were also provided in this 343 pages book.