This is the best video game in the history of mankind. Honestly, how can it not be? Sure, it doesn't have the same open world style as Super Mario Odyssey, but is that really a bad thing? Mario is supposed to be linear, and there is no better linear Mario game than Super Mario Galaxy 2. The bosses are the most fun I've ever beat, the levels are full of fun mechanics and beautiful sceneries, and as you keep playing them, they only get better and better. Finally, when you beat the final level, The Perfect Run, you truly feel like a Master of Galaxies. Super Mario Galaxy 2 is the best video game ever made, and if it gets a port for Switch, it would be the definitive video game. Until Super Mario Galaxy 3 comes out. Of course though, this is subjective, I didn't like Super Mario Odyssey that much because I was more lazy, and I'm not much of an explorer. However, even if it's not the best game ever made, it is definitely worth the time and money to 100% it.