I was promised friendly confrontation with the other scions, a focus on Krile’s story and a vacation. I only got one of those things and not in a good way.
Too much Wuk Lamat, she should not have been a part of the MSQ second half except for sporadic apparitions. Found her equally annoying and charming at the beginning, better but exhausting (She’s always there!) by the middle and hated her at the end. (That trial, seriously T_T)
I usually love cutscenes, the more the better. But considering that I did not enjoy most of the story, they were a pain to get through. And there were a LOT of them…
Love the updated graphics, the new dungeons and most of the new music, they saved this expansion.
Will definitely play the patches (I’m too invested in FF14 to quit), but I think I’ll take a break and unsub for a few months to a year.