The screenplay and movie Leave No Trace was wonderfully written and displayed on the big screen. It covered so many areas such as visualizing the effects of PTSD, trying to understand the psychology of human behavior, portraying the reality of life, developing coping mechanisms, remaining loyal to those you love, overcoming struggles, realizing that your problems are not my problems, making decisions, respecting the decisions of others, ruling out abuse, as well as the innocence yet maturity of young people, willingness to help others (some with more restrictions than others), physical and mental survival, feeling of security, addictions, empathy for others as well as lack of empathy, brokenness, total reliance on others, and sacrifice. The title of the movie was carried the beginning when the father was teaching his daughter how to cover their tracks in order to leave no trace, when they left the tree farm and later the commune without a trace, and at the end when the father veered off the road and disappeared into the woods leaving no trace of where he was headed. It was a movie that made you think and want to share with others.