The book is an all encompassing account of Billy Graham's life which influenced many people. One of those people was Jimmy Swaggart. It seems to be almost an unimaginable journey. Many people came to redemption because of Billy Graham. The book in itself is a compass and direction finder of how to discover true love, God's love, for a fuller life of good relationships and peace. It is written in a manner that is easy to read and in its very nature of a Christian identifies the true Christian. The reason for earning five stars in my book is that it is a personal journey that each Christian undertakes in their search for that which is worth living for. Knowing and understanding how great God's love is for us that he gave his one and only Son that we might not perish but have eternal life. We have received grace through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ and we experience love and peace by his death on the cross. He removed our sin and your sin and this is shown in "The Journey". The appeal by Billy Graham is the same as mine and every servant of the living God. Accept Jesus into your heart and believe that he died and rose again on the third day, and you will have eternal life. This is the essence of "The Journey" and through this powerful testimony of Billy Graham's life, you will accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour.