This novel by Hannah Gold was extremely heart warming and poignant. This story is about a girl called April who is a zoophilist and has a dad who works in a research centre. One day her dad receives a letter saying that he has got a project to work on for 6 months in an island called "bear island". This island was full of polar bears years ago but now there isn't any because of climate change.When April hears this she gets excited because she can spend time with her dad as there wouldn't be anyone in the island because after her mum's death her dad had gotten very quiet . When she arrives on the island although her father said that there aren't any bears left she did see one. This story is all about the bond between 'bear' and April and how she sends 'bear' back home .I will certainly recommend this to children in year 5-7 or any other people seeking for uplifting and a story providing you with great delight.