Wow I'm so glad the reviews are actually reviews on here and now just people preaching... Anyways, I don't personally like the show; and before someone says it, it has nothing to do with the transgender stuff she's dealing with! In many ways I'm glad this show is on the air to show people exactly what transgender people go through and what not... People in general need to be more respectful, embracing, and supportive of others! Everyone is different in some way shape or form and that's what makes unique and interesting! Now, why don't I personally like to watch the show? I don't like it for the exact same reason that I don't like any "reality" show... I feel as though the cast may not be scripted, but that they are definitely set up by either the producers or whoever with the show... That some of the situations that are presented in the show would have never happened in actual reality... They create drama between cast members and definitely edit things to make them out to be far worse then they actually were... I just think that for reality shows to do these things and still be allowed to call it reality is just wrong... if you want actual "reality" there are many YouTube channels and vlogs centered around informing the public about what transgender people go through on a daily basis... I think that they are much more realistic, personally, and that you get a much better idea of who the people are without all the bright lights and the "TV show glam"... With that said, I wish the best for Jazz and can only hope that people stop meeting each other with hate and instead embrace one another for our differences.