As a Star Wars fan for over 30 years I had to walk in to this film with a open mind facing that this is the end and hope they have gone back to what made Star Wars what it was and what it became, from start to finish it was action packed, it tried so hard to answer so much in a short amount of time and they did their best to please the fans which will always be a hard task! I walked out of force awakens saying I will see that again and have multiple times, last Jedi I was ready to leave 1/2 way through and walked out saying I will never see that again and have not, Rise of sky walker I got 1/2 way though and thought yes I will be seeing this again! Is Rise of skywalker a disappointment, it can be! Did I enjoy it? Yes, it is what it is and deal with it! Do I think Disney served the saga justice no.